Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's soooo meshed up...

I have never been the biggest Miley fan. But I REFUSE to knock someone for the way they style their hair, lick sledge hammers, or touch their crouch with foam fingers. I definitely won't judge anyone for their clothing or lack there of. It's not in me... I can't judge anyone when I've been sticking my tongue out in photos for as long as I can remember. I also own a pair of pasties... or 5. #justsayin

To get you caught up (if you didn't understand my other references, it may be time to leave the rock you're living under), IHeartRadio just posted this photo with the caption "Is this what Miley Cyrus will wear for her performance tonight? Hot or Not?".

Anyways, I have been adoring all the minimal, white looks she's been donning lately. Everyone should take notes (Good ol' fashion pen & paper please!). I also have this motto that I like to live by, and anyone in my family can attest to, "Don't leave the house until your makeup looks like a transvestite, and your clothing looks like a stripper's." Miley is clearly following my rules for style!

My take on this hot white 'fit? Yes to the fur and cut out neckline. No to the mesh dress, pasties, and what seems to be a stylin' pair of bathing suit bottoms.

I just can't handle it. Rain was pouring down on my humble abode today. THIS IS NOT THE TIME OF YEAR FOR PASTIES, MESH, AND SWIM SUIT BOTTOMS MILEY.



I guess I did get some recognition now that I actually think about it. Both of my grandmothers cried when I took a picture in pasties and stuck it on the web... but I didn't gain attention from the entire internet. #dangit

I also did this...but alas, no uproar.

Oh well... there's always next time!!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Feminine Masculinity & 1993

It's no surprise that I can never make up my mind. I'm a Pisces after all, so it makes the feat nearly impossible. When I saw Astrid Anderson's Spring 2014 Menswear collection, I choked on my Pre-Halloween candy (yes, that's a thing). Sheer. Minimal. White. Satin. Velour. Athletic. My brain just couldn't handle it. Did I love it? Or did I hate it? I am still attempting to figure that one out.

The fact that these (primarily) feminine fabrics are being worn by muscular, strong jawed men makes me even more confused. Do I think these outfits are amazing? Yes. Would I want my boyfriend wearing them? Probably not.

I won't bother with any further attempts to clear up my confusion. Let's face it, if my boyfriend did wear these outfits, I'd be stealing from his closet 100% of the time. Is that the conclusion I've been looking for all along? Perhaps.
I'll pacify myself with a handful of Hot Cheetos and an episode of Boy Meets World from 1993 and everything will be right in the world.
